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The Fed Pilot program is à la carte.  If you want to do pre or post-workshop marketing or reports on your own and save yourself some money, you are free to do just that.  But if you want help with these tasks, we can do them for you.  The program is designed so you use what you need and not anything extra.


In the Fed Pilot program, the advisor is responsible for marketing to fill the seats.  That doesn’t mean you are alone, however.  We have some free and paid options to help you fill the workshop.


Free Assets

We have created a number of assets to help you in your marketing.  The following are available for you to use in social media ads, websites, emails, for free:

  • Images to use in advertising or emails
  • Videos 
  • Flyers


Filling up seats doesn’t need to be a headache or a worry.  We have a proven way to help you by sending out emails to federal employees which turn into registrations for your event.


You don’t need to worry about writing emails or remembering when to send them. You can sit back and know that your even will be in front of them.


Never again will you wonder, “What content should I put in my email?”  We create emails, write the copy, and send it to possibly thousands of federal employees.


Not doing these tasks frees you to
focus on what you do best:
Help federal employees plan for their future.


You have the best intentions to market your event, but it doesn’t happen.  Well, now it will – all without feeling that guilty feeling that yet another thing you should do isn’t getting done.


Each contact will know when the next event is and will be prompted to share it with others, bringing in more people to each event saving you the need to advertise.


Online Ads

We have a number of proven online ads we use to help fill the workshop or webinar.  The cost is per workshop and will depend on the number of media outlets you want to use and the amount of ad spend you have in your budget.

If you are interested in what this might look like for you, let us know and we can give you a quote based on your needs.


Gaining a new client is much more expensive than keeping a client.  The Drip Campaign helps you keep clients, gain new ones who weren’t ready but are now, and save yourself time and money.  When you meet with someone new, whether they become a customer or not, you want to keep in contact with them so when they do need you, they know who to contact. This brings clients – and sales – back that you would have otherwise lost.


You don’t need to worry about keeping in touch with your clients and prospective clients. You can sit back and know they will be consistently reminded of you and your services.


Never again will you wonder, “What content should I put in my email?”  We create emails at specific life events, think up new content each month, and do that for each of the people on your list.


Not doing these tasks frees you to
focus on what you do best:
Help federal employees plan for their future.


You have the best intentions to keep in touch with your contact list, but it doesn’t happen.  Well, now it will – all without feeling that guilty feeling that yet another thing you should do isn’t getting done.


Each contact will know when the next event is and will be prompted to share it with others, bringing in more people to each event saving you the need to advertise.


They weren’t ready to do business then, but they are now. Instead of forgetting who you are, they will be prompted to reach out to you near their major life events just as they are wondering what they should do.


  • Setup all contacts in our DB, making sure they are still active emails, and creating custom email templates
  • Provided webform sign up
  • All emails use your branding (logo, color scheme) and come from an email address
  • “Drip” emails go out to all contacts once a month and contain:
    • Several links to current articles on retirement issues (and if a fed, specific links to fed retirement articles)
    • Notice of when your next workshop/seminars/events are
    • Prompt to share with others
    • Encouragement to reach out to you for any questions
    • Your name, company name, phone, address
  • Six “Significant Date” emails include sending an email to contacts who satisfy a certain criteria including
    • Pre-“Anticipated Retirement Date” regarding
    • Pre-50 regarding Catchup contributions
    • Pre-MRA
    • Pre-59 1/2 regarding the flexibility that is coming to them in their TSP& IRAs
    • Pre-62 regarding Social Security
    • Yearly/6 month account reviews
  • Monthly statistics reports
  • Workshop Emails – When you do a Fed Pilot workshop, we will send out emails after the event on your behalf, thanking them for showing up and encouraging them follow through with their plans to meet with you and to share the next one with their colleagues.
  • All graphic design, template design, HTML coding, copy writing, data administration
  • Includes A/B testing and analyzing performance metrics (opens, forward, replies, clicks, etc)
  • If also doing Social Media Service (below), linking the two together and driving traffic to each other


Social Media Engagement

Too many advisors feel guilty that they aren’t doing more on social media to reach out to their potential clients. The Social Media Engagement service will let you do what you do best without the worry.   You will have a stream of information and interaction happening with those who follow you.  

Depending on your needs, this service can provide the following:

  • Create a custom content strategy
  • Manage your choice of your social media channels
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • LinkedIn
    • Several times a week posting
    • Special postings for events
    • CTA (call to action) is to contact you
  • Designing your account media (including graphics and layout) for maximum engagement and CTA
  • Posts include embedding 3rd party articles, graphics, videos
  • Custom videos specific for your situation
  • Help to integrate social media into your everyday marketing activities
  • If also doing Drip Campaign Service, linking the two together and driving traffic to each other