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Fed Pilot program support services

Every federal employee is different.  How do you make sure each one takes advantage of everything they are offered, they avoid the one-off rules you may or may not know about, and at the same time make sure you answer every question they have so you look like the rockstar you are?
Our services make sure you have the answers about federal employee benefits.


This is a Masterclass for financial professionals who help federal employees prepare for their retirement. You will learn the ins and outs of the federal programs as well as how best to help employees create a retirement they can be confident in.
When you have completed this online course you will understand the basics of the federal benefits programs and how to intelligently talk with federal employees.


Once we do a workshop, they will want to meet with you.  Our post-event service takes the pressure off of you to schedule a followup appointment.  We will do the voice calls, emails, and texts to get them on your calendar.


For those who need to get answers about specific employee circumstances, this solution is for you.  You can enlist our partner to help you on a per-case basis.  You will be able to ask detailed questions, get solid answers on how the benefits work, as well as options you have to help the federal employee, and even review their retirement paperwork.

*Provided by our partner, Fed Options.


If you would rather not create the reports for federal employees yourself, our partner has the ability to create them for you.  You will fill out a fact-finder for each report and send it in.  You will receive a report with specific case notes for each situation which you can then present to the federal employee. PLUS, you get access to the Q&A Facebook group.

*Provided by our partner, Fed Options.


You don’t just help federal employees, you help everyone prepare for retirement. If you do other webinars, don’t let them look like all the others.  Make yours stand out as uber-professional.  Use our professionally produced webinars to create an event that will look and sound just as professional as the Fed Pilot webinars.

There are two versions of this….