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Webinars are deceptively complex.  It seems as if it is a quick few hours during the webinar, but there is so much more.  The registration, the prep, the delivery, the follow up with participants, the reports to you – it all takes about 1 full day for each webinar created.  Because they are so complex, please be sure of your webinar responsibilities so together we can deliver an event with the highest quality.



– Registration mechanism for federal employees
– Invitation sent to them for the webinar plus follow up emails as reminders and to share with coworkers
– Provide a pre-webinar orientation for the advisor

Day of Webinar

– Provide webinar environment, provide attendees with a cliffs notes workbook, evaluation & signup form
– Deliver 3 hours of training (you choose the schedule)

Post Webinar

– Send advisor webinar stats
– Follow up with federal employees after webinar via email, thanking them and pointing them to the financial professional
– When a new workshop/webinar is scheduled, they will be notified and encouraged to send the invite to colleagues.
– Monthly newsletters



– Marketing of the webinar
– Attend the pre-webinar orientation

Day of Workshop

– Act as host and introduce the speaker
– Act as Q&A & chat moderator

Post Workshop

– Provide two (2) “Part 2”  meetings
– Provide a report on their federal benefits